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Migration of Matchbox to BUI

The original Matchbox code is not exactly suited to use as a set top box. The latter has fewer desktop-oriented requirements but for flexibility needs to keep a number of underlying (less-user visible) features. Matchbox is a desktop-style environment for handheld devices. BUI is a pseudo-desktop style environment for set top boxes. BUI is forked from Matchbox 0.9. In order to migrate the Matchbox 0.9 code to BUI-specific code we need to understand how Matchbox works and where and how it needs to change to support BUI requirements.

BUI is a simple environment that manages the UI. It requires far fewer features than a typical desktop environment. It's primary purposes are:

  • To manage stacked windows
  • To provide an application launcher and underlying application management
  • To provide a scrolled list or menu of available applications
  • To provide a mechanism for adding applications to the scrolled lists/menus.
  • To provide an on-screen display area with an API for applications to use

The plan here is to strip Matchbox down to core components that BUI requires and then build it back up as needed. The core of Matchbox is the window manager because it will affect all other X clients. Changes to the panel, keyboard and support libraries will be based on how the BUI window manager is implemented. Doing an analysis of the window manager and panel should be sufficient to understand the matchbox library too, and that should be all that's needed to start doing real porting work.

Note: in the following discussions "STB" is short for set top box.

Table of Contents

This page is under heavy development! Take it all with a grain of salt, for now.

Window Manager

The BUI window manager requirements are as follows:

  • Make all X clients except panels full screen. This implies that clients have no window decorations. However, "full screen" may have different connotations than a managed window that fits the full size of the display. This needs to be investigated.
  • Make panel clients raise above all other clients. Panels are special clients with STB-specific applets, including scrolling menus and on-screen displays.
  • Make non-panel client windows stacked.
  • Allow no more than (N) non-panel clients. This should be configurable through command line arguments to the window manager.
  • Support Xrm for simplified configuration capabilities.
  • Support Startup Notification. Allows clients to notify each other on status, which lets the OSD provide feedback. See spec, BLFS pkg
  • X cursor should auto-hide after (N) periods of inactivity. This allows the user to use a mouse, specifically a device like a Wii Remote, to interact with the STB without it interfering with the user experience.
  • Do not support XML themes (and thus remove expat use). The window manager should have nothing to theme.
  • Do not support gconf - there is nothing that needs it in BUI.
  • Do not support XComposite in the window manager. The window manager doesn't need it unless the panel requires the window manager to have it (which is doubtful).

Some features in Matchbox whose value in BUI is unclear include:

  • XSync extension
  • ping protocol
  • Alternate managing input windows - what is this for?

Existing support in Matchbox for gcov and gprof can probably be left in to continue allowing performance testing of the window manager. The window manager supports a variety of client types (see structs.h:MBClientTypeEnum). A determination must be made if all of these types are meaningful to BUI.

Program flow of the Matchbox window manager:


    Allocate wm structure.  This is native structure to Matchbox.
        load config
        Get defaults from Xserver
    Tell root we're WM
    If using gconf, init gconf - probably don't need gconf
    If using xsettings, init xsettings - might want to keep xsettings
    If not standalone, load a generic application icon - what does this buy us?
    If keyboard use enabled, initialize keys (keys_init)
    Initilize EWMH
    Initialize composite engine
    Initialize theme - keep, but simplify.  
    Set WM properties
    If using libsn (startup notification, see, init


        Find area taken up by panels, toolbars: If panel, don't recalculate.  In fact, never recalculate.
        Adjusts for window decorations.  Windows should never be decorated.
        Do some startup notification stuff (not sure what's happening here yet)
        if root has clients:
            Sets _NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING, _MB_APP_WINDOW_LIST_STACKING properties on all root window clients
            Updates _NET_CLIENT_LIST by client age instead of stacking order
        Sets MB-specific _MB_NUM_MODAL_WINDOWS_PRESENT property
        Sets _NET_SHOW_DESKTOP property - we won't need this since we have no desktop
    Bring existing clients under management

wm_event_loop - main loop event handling

    Short loop that test for event types and handles them.
    I'm wondering if get_xevent_timed() has a single event queued.  If so, each handler in the case statement
        should probably call continue since no further processing would be meaningful.


The theme integration in the window manager is fairly extensive. In order to remove the frames from window and to make sure each window has the full screen size we have to understand how themes are implemented or rip themes out completely. Also, there is code for enabling full-screen mode for client windows but I suspect that full-screen implies that the window is always on top, above all other windows. If so, that may make it difficult to have the menu panels slide out over a full screen client. Instead, the client must be given a width/height equivalent to the display/screen width/height but without giving the window the special label of being "full-screen".

Themes are implemented either in two ways: normal and standalone. The latter is probably more in line with what we want for BUI. It may be worth the effort to rip out the other option and force standalone usage just to see what that leaves us.

More work is needed in this area...

Window Manager Files

The WM code uses an object-styled API but it isn't fully fleshed out as an objectified API. While additional work in this area could be done to better make it objectified, there is probably a lot of code that can be removed for BUI which may make the use of an objectified interface moot.

File Purpose Keep/Drop
base_client.c Base object for handling all clients keep
client_common.c Utility functions for all clients keep; if base_client is an object-paradigm and parent class for other clients, shouldn't this code be in that module?
composite-engine.c Functions related to integration with the XComposite extension in the server. keep
desktop_client.c a subclass of the base-client tbd (possibly - determine difference between this and main_client types)
dialog_client.c a subclass of the base-client tbd (probably not)
dockbar_client.c a subclass of the base-client keep (panel is of this type)
ewmh.c Extended Window Manager Hints handling keep
keys.c Keyboard interaction management keep, but verify purpose
list.c Generic list handling Keep, move to libbui
main.c entry point for window manager keep
main_client.c a subclass of the base-client tbd (possibly - determine difference between this and desktop_client types)
matchbox-remote.c Standalone application for remote access to WM tbd
mbtheme-standalone.c Theme support when STANDALONE is set at compile time drop
mbtheme.c Theme support when STANDALONE is not set at compile time drop - requires use of XML module, and we don't need the extra weight
misc.c Miscellaneous functions keep - possibly move to libbui
select_client.c A titlebar menu task menu dropdown drop
session.c Session management drop - don't need complex session management; we can implement a simple session management which remembers which apps were running.
stack.c Manage windows in stack keep
toolbar_client.c Panel-like windows tbd (keyboard will be a toolbar client) - this or toolbar_client_alt.c will be kept
toolbar_client_alt.c Alternative version of toolbar_client (why are there two?) tbd
wm.c Window manager "class" structure management keep
xml.c Primitive XML parser/DOM handler drop, we don't the complexities of XML. Something simpler will suffice.


The panel has a modest amount of session and system tray handling code. These are unnecessary for BUI and can be removed. The panel still needs communications with clients (applets). And it needs to understand how it is being used: panel for menu applet or panel for OSD. The former can only have west/east orientation and be higher in the window stack than anything except the OSD while the latter should have north/south and always be the highest level of the window stack.

The code for the menu can be dropped too since BUI panels don't need menus.

Messaging needs to be kept but further analysis is required to understand what messages are being sent and whether they are still needed.

Program flow


    panel_init: setup panel structure
    Establish system tray, if one doesn't already exist
    Tell other clients we have the tray (if we do)
    panel_orientation_set_hint - set our orientation?
    Create the panel window
    Initialize the client session
    Run the panel main loop


    Uses non-Xrm command line parsing - switch to Xrm?
    Does initial juggling of height/width based on orientation.


    Has code for ConfigureNotify that handles rotation of a device.
    This isn't necessary for the STB.  Removing this removes a big
    chunk of this function.

Panel Files

File Purpose Keep/Drop
msg.c Handle messaging between panel and clients keep
panel.c main module for panel keep
panel_app.c Manages panel applets keep
panel_menu.c Manages panel menu drop - don't need the menu in BUI
panel_util.c Various utilities keep - some could move to libbui
session.c Manage sessions for panel drop - no need for sessions in BUI.
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Page last modified on August 23, 2010, at 01:51 PM