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--- Boxes and outlines ---

--- Headers beyond ordinary "!" level headers

--- Stegi specific stylings ---

--- Text warnings, notices, hilights ---

--- Directory paths ---

--- Calendar specific ---

Page Styles

Boxes and outlines

Style: boxex1
Purpose: example of creating a boxed style

The quick brown fox...

Style: steps
Purpose: Used when you want to specify a set of steps for a procedure.

The quick brown fox...

Style: code
Purpose: All code should be placed in a box of this fashion

The quick brown fox...

Style: code2
Purpose: Same as code, but without a full width colored box. The quick brown fox...

Style: devnote
Purpose: To mark something that needs to be updated by the developers.

The quick brown fox...

Style: devnote2
Purpose: To mark something that needs to be updated by the developers without spanning the entire page. The quick brown fox...

Style: note
Purpose: A general note relevant to the current context.

The quick brown fox...

Style: note2
Purpose: A general note relevant to the current context, without a full width colored block. The quick brown fox...

Style: note3
Purpose: Used to block a single line of text, with blue links. The quick brown? fox...

Style: note3b
Purpose: Used to block multiple lines of text, with blue links.

The quick brown? fox...
The quick brown? fox...
The quick brown? fox...

Style: toc
Purpose: Used to highlight and offset a table of contents. Place lists inside this box.

  • The quick brown fox...
  • The quick brown fox...
  • The quick brown fox...

Style: term
Purpose: A definition, as in a glossary or terminology page.

The quick brown fox...

Style: box
Purpose: Used in placing visible version information at the top of a page.

Version: 1.0
Author: Michael J. Hammel (
Last Updated: 05/21/2007
Document Status: V1.0 Released

Headers beyond ordinary "!" level headers

These should all have a blank line above them (edit this page to see an example).

Style: subhdr1
Purpose: A colorized header in a small font

The quick brown fox...

Style: subhdr2
Purpose: A colorized header in a small font

The quick brown fox...

Style: subhdr3
Purpose: A colorized header in a small font

The quick brown fox...

Style: subhdr4
Purpose: A colorized header in a small font

The quick brown fox...

Style: subhdr5
Purpose: A black header in a small font

The quick brown fox...

Style: dists
Purpose: A colorized header in a small font

The quick brown fox...

Stegi specific stylings for words or phrases

Style: stegi
Purpose: Any names or other references that are proprietary
Example: The quick brown fox ...

Style: ceiblue
Purpose: any
Example: The quick brown fox ...

Style: ceiwhite
Purpose: Used over dark colored backgrounds.
Example: Used primarily in colored cells of a table.

The quick brown fox ...

Style: cei
Purpose: Provides a CEI-colored background to any text.
Example: The quick brown fox ...

Style: cmd
Purpose: Used primarily in the API definition for hilighting commands.
Example: The quick brown fox ...

Style: arg
Purpose: Used primarily in the API definition for hilighting arguments to commands.
Example: The quick brown fox ...

Text warnings, notices, hilights

Style: xhilite
Purpose: any
Example: The quick brown fox ...

Style: hilite
Purpose: Generalized highlight; should be used to make some phrase standout on the page.
Example: The quick brown fox ...

Style: warning
Purpose: Used to specify a warning message.
Example: The quick brown fox ...

Style: notice
Purpose: Another type of hilite.
Example: The quick brown fox ...

Style: info
Purpose: Another type of hilite.
Example: The quick brown fox ...

Style: conform
Purpose: Mark something as a "ying".
Example: The quick brown fox ...

Style: noconform
Purpose: Opposite of conform; mark something as a "yang"
Example: The quick brown fox ...

Style: deprecated
Purpose: Mark something as outdated or no longer used or invalid.
Example: The quick brown fox ...

Code, paths and filenames

Style: method or function
Purpose: Mark text as a method or function used in code.
Example: The quick brownfox() ...

Style: path
Purpose: Mark text as a path name
Example: The quick brown fox ...

Calendar markup

These are only used on the Calendar in the wiki.

Style: calhdr
Purpose: Styling for the calendar header
Example: The quick brown fox ...

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Page last modified on October 08, 2013, at 08:48 PM