Back in October I started work on a new app for PiBox: an XM radio player.  The hardware is an XMPCR, a device sold in the early 2000’s that connected over USB to a PC.  The device didn’t last long.  I think there was some concern that people would steal […]

PiBox: XM radio app (PiXM) and wifi scanning in PNC

Today I released a complete rewrite of XNotesPlus, which I've renamed XNotesNG.  This version was properly architected (well, mostly) and implemented in Java.  Unlike other Java developers, I don't use IDEs like Eclipse or NetBeans.  Instead, I rely on the tried and true tools of kernel developers:  cscope and vi.  […]

XNotesNG: XNotesPlus never dies, it just evolves

I placed an order for a gray Peek from Amazon.  The gray Peek’s are$2 less than the colored ones.  Who needs a colored one for hacking?  Anyway, it should arrive by Saturday.  In the meantime I’ve been watching the videos and scanning online resources to learn about the internals of […]

Peek ordered, learning about the hardware