
I was trying to set up a directory index via a named vhost under Apache today.  Typically all you need to do for this scenario is something like this in an apache conf file. <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName files.gfxmuse.org DocumentRoot /home/httpd/files <directory "="" home="" <span="" class="hiddenSpellError" pre="" data-mce-bogus="1">httpd/files"> Options +Indexes </Directory> […]

apache 2.4/Fedora quirk in welcome.conf

I’ve been working on building custom Debian and Ubuntu distributions for use under VirtualBox.   One advantage that both have over Fedora is debootstrap.  This tool allows you to create a default rootfs from pre-compiled packages inside a directory.  You can then chroot into that directory to install the kernel image, […]

Debian/Ubuntu debootstrap images for VirtualBox