- Michael J. Hammel - https://www.graphics-muse.org/wp -

apache 2.4/Fedora quirk in welcome.conf

I was trying to set up a directory index [1] via a named vhost under Apache today.  Typically all you need to do for this scenario is something like this in an apache conf file.

ServerName files.gfxmuse.org
DocumentRoot /home/httpd/files

Options +Indexes

Then restart apache and make sure the server name resolves somehow (DNS or /etc/hosts) and you're good to go.

But with Apache 2.4 something changed.  This doesn't work.  You get the nice welcome page that says the web server [2] is running but you don't get the directory index.  I found a solution online that hid the solution behind a requirement to “like” the answer but it became very clear what the problem was: the welcome.conf configuration file overrides my directory index.

In welcome.conf you find this bit of code.

Options -Indexes
ErrorDocument 403 /.noindex.html

That Options -Index line is the problem.  The easiest solution, in this case where all I want is a web server that shows a directly listing, is to comment out that whole block of code.  Restarting the web server and accessing my file server works as expected now.

I had this problem on fedora [3] 21.  I've seen others have it with ubuntu [4].  So the source of welcome.conf content may be the apache project itself.  In other words, this solution may be applicable to any distribution using Apache 2.4 or later.