
Networking in QEMU I’ve recently had a need to test UEFI booting for a disk image.  I stumbled upon OVMF, a bios that will handle UEFI booting.  It works pretty well but doesn’t remember its config sometimes.  But that’s not why I’m writing this. In my disk image I need […]

Networking with QEMU and KVM speedup

I'm working with libvirtd/virt-manager/qemu at work.  I have a bunch of F11 systems installed and working just fine.  Today I tried one of the extra lab boxes, same OS config, but when I tried to use the virt-* commands I'd get an error: mjhammel(tty0)$ sudo virsh –connect qemu:///system error: failed […]

virsh/libvirt error: failed to connect to the hypervisor