Yearly Archives: 2008

Finding off the shelf supported hardware is a tough task for Linux.  The problem with such lists is that they often include hardware that you can no longer purchase from retails outlets.  So it’s easier to get a list of what the outlets have available and then search the list […]

Linux Hardware Compatibility – getting started with off the shelf ...

As the year grows to a close I find myself finishing up projects and preparing for the new year.  I put together roughly 90,000 lines of code this year on a single project with one other developer, probably split somewhere around 80/20.  It is, as I’ve told him, our boss […]

Top ten things I’ve learned about software development

Migrations to new releases of Fedora are not a huge problem for me since I use a separate partition for system files (including repository managed packages) and separate partitions for home directories (/home), multimedia files (/store and /music), and web server root directories (also under /home).   About the only […]

Migrating a MythTV server from pre-Fedora 10 to Fedora 10

After installing F9 I had to go through the process of reinstalling all my old multimedia tools. Fedora doesn’t generally include support for playing MP3s or DVDs so you have to install them from alternate repositories such as Livna or ATrpms. I’d written up how to do this in the […]

Fedora 9 postinstall: multimedia dependencies, sounds and other annoyances