Monthly Archives: December 2010

I’ve been waiting nearly 30 years for my alma mater to do something noteworthy, well other than something intellectual because lets face it, it’s not MIT.  They managed a national championship in women’s basketball once and for that I’m eternally grateful.  But the guys teams, well, they lack a certain […]

Alma matters

This past weekend I made the 0.4.0 release of BeagleBox.  This is a major milestone for the project because it establishes the baselines for two of the core software componets, the bootloader and the kernel.  I made a public release on SourceForge and updated the source and build pages on […]

BeagleBox: V0.4.0 released, wiki updated

Trying to come to grips with the myriad of source trees from which BeagleBoard related source can be pulled, I updated the BeagleBoard build system the other day to make it easier to pull from the various archives.  Technically there are four ways to get source related to BeagleBoard: A […]

BeagleBox: finding Mr. DSS2