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Jarvis: The IoT Butler

Jarvis is an IoT butler. Okay, so it's just an interface to a voice input, translated through the Google Speech API to feed a command processing engine. The idea is this:

  • You say: "Jarvis, open the blinds".
  • Jarvis hears this, translates it to text, parses an "open" action and a "blinds" target and sends a message to an IoT device that opens the blinds.
  • Jarvis replies: "I've opened the blinds, IronMan."

It's all just experimental but its meant to compliment PiBox development in the long term, where PiBox receives the IoT command and routes it to the IoT device.

Jarvis is written in Java and utilizes:

  • Google's Speech-to-Text API
    • javaFlacEncoder for encoding Java Audio input to FLAC for submission to Google
  • json-simple for JSON parsing of Google responses
  • Apache OpenNLP for parsing commands into actions
  • Google's Text-to-Speech translator
    • javalayer library for MP3 playback of Google responses
  • SWT for the UI
    • JFreeChart for some graphing
  • TestNG for unit tests

Status of the project is available from the News section of the issue tracker

Project Tracking

Item Status Description
Jarvis Build System v0.1 Instruction on building Jarvis, including links to source repositories.
Issue Tracker Built on Redmine Tracks feature requests, bugs, todo items and all other issues for this project.
Screen Shots N/A TBD

General Notes

Item Description
Research Notes on research related to working with Jarvis technologies.

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Page last modified on April 02, 2014, at 04:41 PM