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Available Add On Packages

  • appmgr - Application Manager for UI
  • crtmpserver - opkg'd version which takes ffmpeg streams and restreams than as FLV.
  • launcher - PiBox's primary app used to launch other apps.
  • mjpeg-streamer - opkg'd version used to stream video from the webcam over a web interface.
  • monkey - opkg'd version of Monkey web server
  • omxplayer - opkg'd version of omxplayer for hardware accelerated video playback.
  • piboxd - Daemon that handles streaming data from Pibox
  • pmsui - PiBox Media Server UI
  • piboxwww - Web service used to request streams and configure Pibox
  • piclock - PiBox app that handles date/time setting.
  • psplash - Boot splash
  • Video Front End (videofe) - A graphical video browser front end to the omxplayer.
  • Video Library( videolib) - Desktop Video Library Tool for creating a database for use by videofe.
  • bui-network-config - GTK+ network configuration utility used to connect to wireless network and configure PiBox as a wireless access point.
  • xcc-debug - Toolchain debugging tools


The appmgr daemon manages apps on the media server and player. It's job is to start the launcher app, which then provides the main UI for selecting apps. When an app is selected the launcher sends a message to the appmgr to start it. The lifecycle of the app is managed by the appmgr daemon. The appmgr is used to guarantee that only one app at a time is running (other than the launcher) since the Media Server and Media Player have no need to run multiple apps at the same time. This is similar to how a Roku operates. The appmgr can also handle communications between apps and external resources.


The crtmpserver is a daemon that accepts inbound video streams and serves them on demand to browsers requesting flash playback. The conversion from the inbound stream format to flv is done by crtmpserver. By using crtmpserver the stream can run without a sink that plays the stream - crtmpserver will simply dump the stream until an external request is made to forward the stream as streamed flash.

This server is used by the piboxwww server (via piboxd) to stream files to a browser running JWPlayer, a freely available flash player that can be embedded in web content.


The launcher is an app managed by the appmgr whose sole purpose is to provide a UI for selecting other apps. The launcher has no special privileges and can be easily replaced by a different customized launcher.


The mjpg-streamer opkg provides a simple method of cross compiling and packaging the mjpg-streamer binary used to stream webcam images via the web UI.


The source for this package provides a simple method of cross compiling and packaging the Monkey web server. Monkey is a very lightweight but feature rich web server with almost no software dependencies.


The source for this package provides a simple method of cross compiling and packaging the Raspberry Pi hardware accelerated omxplayer video player. This is used by the Video Front End app to play videos and (later, hopefully) TV streams.


Piboxd is a daemon that accepts TCP-based messages from the localhost and acts on them. It's purpose is to provide an interface to system configuration and control to web based interfaces such as piboxwww.


The pmsui package provides theme, configuration and image files necessary to support the Media Server interface.


The pmsuip package provides theme, configuration and image files necessary to support the Media Player interface.


Piboxwww is the web interface for both the Media Server and Media Player. It provides user authentication to services such as network configuration, user management and the streaming webcam.


The piclock app provides a method of setting the date and time for the system. This is necessary for systems that have no internet connectivity.


The source for this package provides a simple method of cross compiling and packaging the psplash program which provides the MIOT splash image and progress bar at boot time.


The Video Front End (videofe) app provides a UI to browsing and playing videos. It reads a database in the media directories that provides the video names and poster art and runs the omxplayer for playback.


This is a Java desktop application that can be used to scan a media stick for video files and build a database for use with the Video Front End app. It retrieves data from and formats for use with the videofe app.


This package provides a graphical network configuration tool for configure the wired ethernet port, a wireless client and/or a wireless access point on the Raspberry Pi running the PiBox Development Platform core image. The tool is written in GTK+ but has no other software dependencies that those required by GTK+. It can be run on the PiBox Development Platform as just another app or in embedded mode as a full screen app, which is how it runs under the Media Server and Media Player.

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Page last modified on April 04, 2015, at 06:19 PM