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The Kiosk System UI

The AutoKiosk System is intended to automatically play media files (videos only) from the local USB ports immediately after boot. It was designed primarily to work with projectors for holiday displays or as a drive-in-movie solution using an FM transmitter connected to the audio port.

Video Playback

The AutoKiosk System has no UI. Plug in a media stick with videos in a format supported by the omxplayer and ffmpeg (so, virtually all file formats). However, the system only searches for files which use one of the following format suffix.

  • avi
  • mp4
  • mkv
  • m4v
  • mov

On boot, after all media sticks have been searched, the videos are played in the order discovered. To play videos in a specific order, use a naming scheme that guarantees sorting when viewed on the USB stick.

AutoKiosk does not play videos from Media or Player Systems over the network.

Audio Playback

If the video has audio then it will be played out of the Raspberry Pi audio port. This can be used, for example, in conjunction with an small FM transmitter to simulate a drive in movie.

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Page last modified on June 15, 2023, at 07:27 PM