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The Kiosk System UI

The Kiosk System is intended to play media files (videos and pictures) from the local USB ports. It was designed primarily as a video/picture frame utility running on an official Raspberry Pi 7" touchscreen display.

Figure 1: The PiBox Kiosk System UI

The Kiosk System UI displays an app launcher which shows two small icons on the left with a larger icon and text description on the right. Each icon displayed in this UI represents a PiBox app. These icons represent the following apps.

PiPics - static image browser VideoFE - Video file browser and player

The icon on the left is selected when the UI is first displayed. The selected icon is highlighted with a small white outline. Hit the ENTER button to start the selected app.

Use the arrow keys on the keyboard to navigate to other icons in the launcher. All apps are designed to return to the launcher by using the ESC key on the keyboard to exit the app.

PiPics Picture Browser

Figure 2: PiPics picture browser

The PiPics picture browser scans directories under /media/usb for supported image files. This includes most commonly used image formats. Files are played in the order discovered.

There is no obvious UI for browsing pictures. Use the right and left arrow keys on the keyboard to move forward and back, respectively, through the list of images. Use the ESC key to exit the application back to the launcher.

See the TouchScreen interface usage page if using PiPics on a touchscreen interface.

PiCam Console WebCam

Figure 3: PiCam console webcam

PiCam console webcam is a front end that maps the Raspberry Pi omxplayer to the backend mjpeg-streamer utility. This means that PiCam will work with any webcam that supports MJPEG (Motion JPEG) streams.

PiCam does not have a UI. When the application starts it will choose the first camera found and begin to display the stream on the console. The stream is played at 640x480 @ 10FPS. Quality of the stream depends on the cameras support for this configuration.

Only one stream at a time can be played from a single Media Server. If another stream is started, such as from the Web interface, any existing stream will be stopped and a new stream started.

To exit PiCam use the ESC key on the keyboard.

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Page last modified on June 11, 2023, at 08:37 PM