Back to Mythbox, finally

I've finally gotten back to working on my MythBox project.  This is a project to build an embedded distribution for mythtv that will run on a high-end appliance for the backend.  In other words, I want to build a distribution that can run off a IDE CF card so power off/on is fast and won't break anything in the system.  But the backend needs to handle large disk arrays too.

Anyway, the project went on hold when I upgraded my build box to FC5 because LFS didn't support GCC4 yet.  Well, now it does .  So I'm upgrading the build system to handle the new version of LFS.  

Before it went on hold, I'd gotten the build to boot a LiveCD and from a network boot using a Bootsplash screen with the 2.6 kernel.  But that's a long way from where I want to be.  Anyway, I'll post more when I get to a point where I can release a 0.1 version of this.