Mistakes were made. Heads will roll.

It's hard to believe that there are any undecided voters left in the U.S. To not know who you believe would make the best president is to not be passionate about life itself. While I can't side with Republican ideals, I do believe they are passionate about what they believe to be right. Just as I believe passionately that they are dead wrong in those beliefs.

Before 1992, I was not firmly in any camp when it came to politics. I had a distrust of most politicians and felt Reagan far too anxious to kick the crap out of other countries. But the Clinton years changed my mind. Clinton was attacked and hounded by right wing conservatives for having an affair while in office, and unjustly accused on criminal actions by Republicans spin doctors. When they couldn't pin the rap on him for Whitewater, they tried to impeach him for getting a blow job.

Censure would have been more approapriate. The man made a stupid mistake. A mistake Hillary should have beaten him severely for, no doubt. But no one died. America lost no jobs because of this action. Our status in the world was unshaken militarily. If Republicans had found anything else to show this action was representative of his entire ability to lead I might have believed them. But they couldn't. And they tried to impeach him. For a blow job.

Don't shove your morals on me. I won't stand for it anymore.

But this year the stakes are higher and the problems worse. We're mired in a war which cannot be won (just where do you find a terrorist in charge to sign an article of surrender?) and in an economy that struggles to reach where it was prior the current administration taking office. We've got Republicans introducing legislation to amend the Constitution against same sex marriages – even though no state is required by law to recognize the legal union from any other state (which makes an amendment completely unnecessary). That sort of legislation is purely a polictal ploy to try and make those who don't support it appear “unChristian”. Well, this isn't a Christian country. It is a country where religous freedom extends to any belief. So keep your moral ideals out of my Constitution and stop using the Constitution as a play thing for your re-election.

What is probaly the biggest problem is simply that Bush won't admit to any mistakes. Ask him if he could list any and he'll flounder for words. He truly believes he's made no mistakes. Should he have invaded Iraq? There is reason to doubt the original evidence supporting it. But he simply can't get himself to admit the actual invasion may have been a mistake. He's so bullheaded he can't believe he's wrong about anything. And that kind of power trip is not something the President of the United States should be allowed to have. Believing you can be wrong is natures way of allowing you to be clear on your judgements. He shoots from the hip – with a shotgun. And making one hell of mess with each shot. We don't need a gun slinging redneck to run this country. We need a statesman. We need a leader. We got a frat boy.

pbs' Frontline just aired a show about Bush and Kerry. At one point they showed a man who had called Bush on the morning of the execution of a Texas woman that Bush, as Governor, had refused to pardon even though many religious groups pleaded for mercy for her. When this man suggested that it must have been difficult the past few days having to deal with this decision Bush replied “No, it hasn't been.” The man is cold hearted – far from the Christian he tries to make people he believes he is. He's a monster.

I'm a full fledged Democrat now. Living in Texas. We're outnumbered and gerrymandered into insignificance.

But we're not going away. And Kerry is by far a better choice to keep America strong in a global community.