WordPress plugin: Performancing

Just thought I'd give a plug to this very cool firefox plugin. It provides browser side blog editing and automated submission. What it does is provide an editing area (with minimal highlighting and formatting, but sufficient for quick posts, plus HTML editing mode) in your browser without having to log into your blog. You then simply click the Publish button and the entry is submitted to your blog for you via XML-RPC. What is slick about this is that I can make quick blog entries without having to go to the blog site and login and open the editor. Instead, I just lick on a little icon at the bottom of my Firefox browser to open the editor. I can bounce between multiple blog sites too (I have my personal site, my book site and a site at work all hooked into it).   It supports wordpress perfectly.

There are a bunch of options I don't use, but who cares. It's easy to use for quick entries like this one.

The Firefox plugin is free, and there are commercial extensions (which I've not tried). Get it at the Performancing web site.