Another upgrade issue: TinyMCE Editor in WordPress 2.2.1

While making notes on my upgrade to fedora 7 I discovered that my WYSIWIG editor in wordpress 2.2.1 was seriously broken.  When I hit the Save or Save and Continue Editing buttons I was told that navigating away from the current page would lose all my edits.  So I had no way to edit directly on the site (I used ScribeFire to create the posts in the browser itself and push the post using XML-RPC).

So I went looking for a replacement editor for WordPress.  WYSI-Wordpress (from MudBomb) appears to be defunct and didn't work either.  FCKEditor-for-Wordpress wasn't recognized by WP2.2.1.  Fortunately, I found ChenPress, which appears to work just fine.

Maybe when I upgrade to 2.3 the built in editor will work better.