MythTV in GNOME and Maemo

A recent article about GNOME 2.22 included this brief mention:

Totem 2.22 features plugins for YouTube and MythTV. The YouTube plug-in allows you to search and browse video files all within Totem. The mythtv plugin for gnome allows you to view recordings from a MythTV server as well as view live tv.

According to posts on the MythTV Users mailing list, the Totem translations file suggests that Totem is acting as an actual MythTV frontend.  Subsequent posts point to this using a little publicized project, gmyth, to access the MythTV backend services.  This just happens to be the same library used by MaemoMyth, a MythTV frontend that runs on the Nokia N800.

Pretty slick.  MythTV is starting to look very grown up.