More web design for fun and profit.

I discovered some bugs with the web site I did for my wife's client when viewed in IE. No big suprise there, except I thought I had checked that. Problem was I'd forgotten I'd already migrated my wife and daughter to firefox to get rid of all that crap that was popping up on them. I reenabled IE on one of the machines and man, it was horrible! I didn't realize it was so bad for non-firefox users.

Anyway, I fixed the CSS problems and reorganized the images a bit to allow for better formatting. I also discovered that IE doesn't honor “lh” styles though firefox does (IE just leaves them at the default font styles). So the little tricks I learned from Eric Meyers with list elements doesn't work with list headers. No big deal, you just pull them out of the list. But its just another thing IE doesn't do like everyone else.

We (my wife and I) also solved the problem with text flowing over a background image not being visible. We just moved some of the darker portions of the image out of the way. This allows the display to be much more creative than flat colors in order to get good contrast.

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