New gig: Tux Magazine

I guess it's okay to say this now since they officially announced yesterday, but my new writing gig will be with Tux Magazine, the new magazine being put out by linux Journal. I'm about 3/4 complete on my first article for the magazine, but the first issue isn't due out till February (with a March publish date). I won't say what the article is on just yet. I need to wait for the all clear from the Editor on that. I think they're still working out some details on production.

The magazine is focused on Desktop Linux and should have a much lighter (less techy) feel to it than linux journal. It will as long as Marcel, the Editor in Chief, can keep his writers pointed that way. Then again, that's pretty much like herding cats. So we'll see what happens.

In any case, I can say it was nice to be invited to write for the magazine. It's always nice when someon recognizes your work in some way, monetarily or not. This just happens to be both. :-)