Finding a place to write

I keep trying to take my lunch hour to do some writing. There are only a few free hotspots in The Woodlands (which is way north Houston) so getting to one quickly is problematic at best. Starbuck's are on every corner, with their T-Mobile HotSpots service, but why pay for service if you dont have to.

The problem then is to find food and net access at the same time and nearby. Food is the biggest problem. Starbuck's lunch menu is truly mediocre. There is Port City java, newly opened but about 15 minutes drive away unless I take the freeway, which then makes it 20 minutes because of construction. But their lunch menu consists mostly of wraps and a couple of sandwiches. Their Thai Peanut salad was decent, but not worth that trip. And I really need to fit a meal into that hour too – not just writing.

Panerra Bread is an option though I've not tried their wifi yet. Their food is edible, even tasty, and service is quick. Their problem: crowds. Panerra is located in the newly opened Hoi-Paloi section of The Woodlands Mall. The place to see and be seen. Lots of Woodies there – trophy wives of overpaid execs who complain that the nanny just isnt doing enough to keep junior occupied so they can shop. The restaurant is nice. The clientele just ain't me. Not at lunch at least. Anyway, there are so many people there at lunch there isn't anywhere to sit.

The solution will be to eat lunch while I work and head over to the local library which is only 10 minutes away (or less) and has free wifi access. Not as cosy as Starbucks or Panerra Bread, but its easy access, uncrowded and free.

So that looks like the plan for lunch time writing excersises. Research completed. Back to work.

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