Google oversearch

I've just read that google has signed an agreement with twitter to include tweets in their search results.  Now, I think Google has done some pretty clever things so far such as google maps.  But while I have no problem with Google adding features like this to their search engine, it doesn't mean I want to use it.  The fact that there are literally millions of mindless automatons following the leader and wasting valuable time with the stupidity of Twitter does not affect me – I don't use it and don't want it considered when searching for information.  So I wonder if Google will allow me to limit my searches to not include tweets in the results.  I doubt it.  And the reason I doubt it comes from my use of Google News.

Long ago I setup and started using Google News as a general news aggregator.  It works well enough and I've been fairly happy with it.  But I often get headlines from fox news included in the aggregated headlines.  I don't believe Fox News is a real news organization but rather a propoganda outlet for the political right, who I don't happen to agree with.  So I want to filter my aggregated headlines to not include Fox News.  But Google doesn't allow this.  And requests to them to add this feature have gone with out replies.

So now I see a new market emerging:  custom aggregation based on a users view of the world.  You filter the places you want to get news from – get it all from the start but then ban sites you don't want included.  You see the world the way you want to see it.  This isn't necessarily a good idea from a societal point of view, but it's what people will want.

And Google doesn't let you have it.  I see an opportunity…..

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