LXF Gallery updated and updating my

I've added copies of the final image from each of the last four tutorials I did for Linux Format's GIMP column.  These are the last of the series, as linux format is putting the coumn to sleep for now.  They said it might come back later.  For now, however, I'll have to find other outlets for my gimp creatiions.

I guess that leaves me plenty of time to work on updating my last book for No Starch.  I've already started this process.  It's hard to tell how long this will take.  The introductory material is easy to update because it just has to match the version of GIMP expected to be out at the time the book is released (re: 2.8).  The tutorials might be harder.  It depends on how much the UI changes in 2.8.  I won't really know that for a while so I'll just have to make sure the tutorial material is up to date and deal with screen shots later.

Anyway, its not like I don't have anything to keep me busy.

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