PiBox: the buld system for Raspberry Pi

Tonight I pushed the build for PiBox, my version of the beaglebox build for the raspberry pi.  The build isn't complete, but it does generate a working cross toolchain, linux kernel and root file system.  It utilizes binary firmware for the GPU that is used to boot the board (instead of u-boot).  The root file system boots to a login prompt but doesn't boot into X yet.  Not sure if networking works yet since I have a wireless card on there – haven't tried the builtin wired connection.

So that's a start.  I'm moving toward getting a generic build system for apps that creates opkg packages for both BeagleBox and pibox.  Then I'll look into getting some tools on the Pi for doing some parallel programming.  Nothing would be cooler than to stack a bunch of Pi's into my little PiRack.

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