Fighting for Internet Freedom: Moby, REM, Indigo Girls, Dixie Chicks and Nine Inch Nails support Net Neutrality

See: Save the Internet : Fighting for Internet Freedom

If you haven't done so yet, you need to go to this site and sign the petitions. Remember that this is a non-partisan effort. You can also sign the petition at

Save the Net Now

Artists like Moby and the Dixie Chicks are joining with the Save The Internet Coalition to help fight corporate push for control of the Internet. It's time for ordinary people to take a stand as well. Our government, for all it's flaws, responds to public pressure. And this is one time where public pressure must be brought to bear. Without public pressure both sides of the political arena – conservative and liberal – risk losing their chance at expressing their own message in their own way.

Just think: If the free press is biased, what would a controlled Internet be?