cross compiler

I've managed to build and boot Buildroot 2011.02 using the 2.6.32 Arago kernel and Crosstool-NG 1.8.2 with GCC 4.4.3 and uClibc  The build works just as well as the older Buildroot 2010.11 I had been using, but there is a problem with where fonts are being installed.  For some […]

BeagleBox: Buildroot 2011.02 progress (toward video playback), Ubuntu and Linaro

I couldn’t figure out why my initrd or rootfs wouldn’t work and had exhausted all obvious solutions.  Jumping to Occam’s Razor, I decided the problem may be with the cross compiler toolchain.  So I grabbed Free Electron’s (FE) embedded Linux training lab (which focuses on the BeagleBoard) and decided to […]

BeagleBox: small steps – better xcc, u-boot/kernel boot but ...