
Since mylast entry RLXTechnologies has folded, leaving me (yet again) on the job hunt. They aren’t actually shut down but they cut 80% of the staff. The hardware guys up in Portland got picked up by Intel, so I’ve been told. I’m not sure how manyfrom my group are left […]

As the stomach churns…

I’m setting up a section on XEUS to post source and examples from articles I write for magazines. I wanted to make it somewhat automated so I didn’t have to regen pages for each article. I just wanted to drop a tarball in someplace and let my system take care […]

Mod Rewrite rules

I’m working on part II of a two-part series on using GIMP and PHP to create an online gallery for LinuxFormat. The first part was writing a script that could be run on a directory full of images to generate thumbnails in both grayscale (actually, 24-bit destarutated) and color. That […]

Gallery Article