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The Development System UI

The Development System is the core platform on which all other PiBox systems are based. The Development System is not intended to be used on it's own. Instead, opkg installation of app collections convert the Development System into a purpose build device, such as the Media System or PiSentry.

Figure 1: The PiBox Development System UI

Network Configuration

The Development System provides an easy to use network configuration system called PiBox Network Config, or PNC. The PNC app can be started from the command line or from the root menu. The PNC app can configure static or DHCP wired and wireless interfaces. If the WiFi hardware supports it then PNC can configure the node as an WiFi Access Point.

Application Installations

Applications, re: opkg formatted files, will be automatically installed if stored under the following directory.


Additionally, the following stamp file should exist in the same directory. This file can be empty and its contents will not be used.


If the stamp file exists on a fresh boot and there are .opkg files in the /media/mmcblk0p3/opkg/incoming directory then those packages will be automatically installed. After installation the system will be automatically rebooted.

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Page last modified on June 15, 2023, at 07:04 PM