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Message Flow in Media System Software

The PiBox Development Platform is an open platform which means it doesn't not imply or implement rules of development. It is, in essence, a base Linux platform.

The PiBox Media Systems, server and player, are somewhat different. They provide a UI with app infrastructure that requires a mechanism of passing data between components. While a number of message passing software libraries are available, there is no reason to add that overhead to an environment a simplified as PiBox. Instead, a simple protocol is used over sockets.

Currently TCP sockets are used on the local host and the only API available - piboxMsg() in libpibox - is for sending messages from a client to piboxd. However, more API support is planned for future use in app development. This will make it possible to switch message transports without affecting app developers.

Figure 1: Message Flow in media systems

Figure 1 shows the set of apps and daemons that run in a media server or player and the message paths between them. The apps and daemons can be divided into three component sets: UI, services and external. The UI includes the appmgr, launcher and apps that provide end-user functionality such as the video player. The launcher provides the user interface on the console. It sends messages to the appmgr which responsible for managing which apps are running in the UI.

The services component includes the piboxd daemon and the Web UI. The piboxd daemon provides privileged access to underlying OS services. The Web UI and apps communicate with the piboxd to proxy actions they can't take on their own. The Web UI provides a web based user interface that includes access to the web cam (if one is connected).

External apps run on Android and communicate directly with the RESTful interface in the Web UI which may proxy requests to other daemons as necessary.

Packet Format

Figure 2: Generalized Packet Format

PiBox uses a very simplistic packet protocol. A 4-byte header holds an 8 bit type fields with possible actions and subactions (the other 8 bits are for future expansion). Subactions are associated with specific actions and actions are associated with specific types. Types are context defined. More on these later.

Following the header is a 32bit payload size field. This is the length of the payload that follows. A payload is not required so this field can be zero.

The tag and filename fields are only used in some contexts, specifically with requests for web cam video. The tag is a 36 character UUID using the printf format %08x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%012x. The filename is always "webcam" to request the webcam be started. Other contexts ignore these as separate fields and simply use them as the payload field.

The payload is a byte-field that is payload-size length. Packet handlers read in this much data or time out waiting for the data. Once the packet is read it is stuffed into an appropriate data structure and passed to the type and action handlers.


If a message requires a response it uses a simple length/payload message format. The sender of the response sends a four-byte length followed by a payload. The receiver of the response reads the length first and then the payload.

The following sections need to be cleaned up. This is not the complete API. See pmsg.h in libpibox for the complete API.


Type Action Description
MT_START N/A Launcher is requesting the appmgr to start the named application. The payload is the command to run.
MT_STOP N/A Launcher is requesting the appmgr to stop the currently running application. The effect is to cause the launcher to be displayed again.


Type Action Description
MT_KEY N/A Appmgr has received a key press event from a remote app and is forwarding it to the currently running application.


Apps can request and set IoT device configurations. This is how, for example, an app can manage a thermostat, vents or window blinds. Data returned from the piboxd server is in JSON format. Data sent to the piboxd server as a payload must be in JSON format. The json format in the server looks like this:

    "ip-address": {                                                                              
        "identity": "uuid",                                           
        "features": {                                                                                 
            "name": "set",                                                                          
            "name-display": "Vent Damper",                                                          
            "name-set": "0,25,50,75,100"                                                            
            "name-value": "50"                                                            
        "lastContact": 1457751835                                                                     

When an app requests a device by IP this is what it gets back. When it sends an updated configuration, such as when it requests the damper to be open to 100%, the request looks like this:

    "identity": "uuid",                                           
    "features": {                                                                                 
        "name": "set",                                                                          
        "name-display": "Vent Damper",                                                          
        "name-set": "0,25,50,75,100"                                                            
        "name-value": "50"                                                            

In this case the IP address comes before the JSON context and the lastContact field can be left off. All other fields must be present, however, as this new object will replace the old one.

The IP address must have all colons (:) replaced with a dash (-) when sending from app to server. The server always responds with the same format.

The name is a feature name (aka a field to set in the UI) and defines the type of data it accepts. The name-display is the name to use in the UI for that feature. The data types are set, num, text, or range. A name-<type> can be used to define the default values to display, such as in a drop down or scrolled list. The name-value is the current value of the field. This is usually the only value sent back from the UI to the piboxd in the features object as it is the new setting to apply.

Type Action Description
MT_DEVICE MA_GETALL Get all device configurations
MA_GET Get a device configuration. Payload is the IP address.
MA_SET Set device configuration. The payload is JSON text that contains the new configuration, including all fields associated with that device retrieved with MA_GETALL or MA_GET requests.

web UI, app<->piboxd

Type Action Input arguments Response Description
MT_STREAM MA_START, MA_START_LOW, MA_END N/A Process a request to start or stop a video stream. LOW requests a low-res stream.
MT_HEARTBEAT N/A N/A Update heartbeat time for a running process.
These can be checked by reviewing the code in pibox-network-config in net.c and queueProcessor.c.
MA_GETIFLIST Colon delimited set of interface names, as in eth0:wlan0 Retrieve list of interfaces
MA_GETIF Newline delimited set of name:value pairs, as in NAME:eth0\nADDRESS:xxx\nNETMASK:xxx\nGATEWAY:xxx\n Get specified IF configuration (IPv4, gateway, etc.)
MA_GETDNS Space delimited set of IP addresses for each name server Retrieve DNS (re: name server) configuration
MA_GETNETTYPE Network type of node as either wireless (aka client) or wap (access point) Are we a wireless client or an access point?
MA_GETAP Node's access point configuration as SSID:channel:pw Get Access Point SSID, channel, password
MA_GETWIRELESS Node's client wireless configuration as SSID:Security:PW Get Wireless SSID, security type and password
MA_SETIPV4 Set IPV4 configuration (IPv4, nameserver, gateway, etc.)
MA_SETAP Set Access Point SSID, channel, password
MA_SETWIRELESS Node's client wireless configuration as SSID:Security:PW N/A Set Wireless SSID, security type and password
MA_SETNETTYPE Set network type: wireless client or access point
MA_GETMAC Retrieve MAC address for specified interface
MA_GETIP IP address for the specified network interface, or space (re: " ") if no IP is configured Retrieve IP address for specified interface
MA_MFLIST Write MAC address filter list
MA_RESTART N/A Restart network
MT_PW MA_SAVE, MA_GET Handle a web service user password update.

Android->web UI

Type Action Description
MT_KEY N/A Piboid is sending a key press event to the currently running application via the RESTful interface in the Web UI.
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Page last modified on January 14, 2021, at 04:54 PM