Status of my next GIMP book

I finally finished the production edits for my next book, The artist's guide to gimp Effects.  Now the book is in copy edit.  I've received a sample chapter in final layout form.  Woohoo!  Although this is close, the book still has an April publication date.  I don't know squat about the publishing side of things other than what happens when we go through the editing cycles, so I don't know why it takes that long to get to publication.  But at least there is light at the end of the tunnel.  Two years is a long time for a book project.    At least for me it is.

There will be a web site for the book (a blog styled site similar to this one) that is ready but isn't open to the public yet.  I'll probably open it up early next year. 

Once this project is completed, I can get back to writing articles.  Did anyone read my last one over at LWN?