Java / JNI

Take a little, give a little.

I've been working on a java/JBOSS project for the past 6 months and part of that includes working with the java native interface.  One of the things I have to do, practically at gunpoint, is to make sure our Java clients run on Windows (I develop and test them on linux).  Well, I've managed to set up Cygwin and Cygwin/X with xfce to do my development work and figured out how to compile jni libraries so they use the mingw api (re: Win32 API) instead of the Cygwin (re: POSIX) API.  Since figuring all that out was a bit of a pain (lots of googling to find the answers from people who'd already stumbled through the problem), I thought it would be appropriate to collate what I found and put it online for others to find.  So tha'ts what I did.

I have a new page (and subpages) related to Java and JNI.  Feel free to look them over.  I'll keep adding notes as I get a chance.  I have lots of notes at work, but I have to pull proprietary stuff from them before posting them here.  So it may be awhile before I get everything online.