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The PiStore System UI

The PiStore System is a USB storage monitor. Storage devices are attached to the Raspberry Pi's USB ports. PiStore monitors these ports available and used storage and makes the storage available to the local network over NFS and Samba mounts.

Attach:pistore-system-ui-tn.png Δ
Figure 1: The PiBox PiStore System UI

Network Configuration

The PiStore System provides an easy to use network configuration system. The PiNet app is started from the TFT display. This turns the PiStore system into an Access Point. Users connect to the access point based on the information displayed on the TFT display. Once connected, the user points a browser at the PiStore system to configure that node as a client on a local WiFi network.

Storage Configuration

There is no configuration required by the user for storage devices. Plug in any USB storage device and it will be added to the display showing storage device capacity and use.

Storage Exports

To see the NFS paths exported by the PiStore system, tap anywhere in the Left or Center column. To return to the usage display, tap the same area. To exit the app, tap anywhere in the right column.

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Page last modified on June 15, 2023, at 07:36 PM