Monthly Archives: October 2004

My daughter taught us a new slang term the other day: The Hoodlands. That’s the nickname the kids have given to the area we live in, known more commonly as The Woodlands which is a northern Houston suburb. I’m not clear on why the kids call it that, though my […]

Hiding in the Hoodlands

I’m working on part II of a two-part series on using GIMP and PHP to create an online gallery for LinuxFormat. The first part was writing a script that could be run on a directory full of images to generate thumbnails in both grayscale (actually, 24-bit destarutated) and color. That […]

Gallery Article

I’ve been invited to be a featured columnist in a new Linux magazine. Details are forthcoming. The only thing I’m allowed to say at this point is that if you are a regular reader of the leading Linux magazines then you’re likely to recognize the Editor-in-Chief of the new magazine […]

A new gig

I was poking around the WP site looking at links to template and themes when I ran across a site with a link to ColorMatch Remix. Very cool. I’m not a trained artist – I’m a hacker with a hobby. So having access to tools like this is very useful. […]

ColorMatch Remix