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Guide Release Status Description
Development System Users Guide v2.0 High level user's guide for the PiBox Development System.
Media System Users Guide v2.0 High level user's guide for the PiBox Media System.
Player System Users Guide v2.0 High level user's guide for the PiBox Player System.
Kiosk System Users Guide v2.0 High level user's guide for the PiBox Kiosk System.
AutoKiosk System Users Guide v2.0 High level user's guide for the PiBox AutoKiosk System.
PiSentry System Users Guide v2.0 High level user's guide for the PiBox PiSentry System.
PiStore System Users Guide v2.0 High level user's guide for the PiBox PiStore System.
VideoLib Users Guide v2.0 High level user's guide for managing video libraries for use with the Media and Player systems using the VideoLib desktop application.
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Page last modified on June 02, 2023, at 10:50 AM